
【大学频道】第一届量子算法与软件国际研讨会 | 爱荷华州立大学潘耀东教授

koushare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



| 潘耀东

题   目:Evaluating the robustness of k-coherence and k-entanglement报告人:潘耀东单   位:Iowa State University时   间:2019-08-15地   点:深圳



  • We derived a formula for the standard robustnesses of k-coherence and k-entanglement on pure states that agrees with known formulas for the corresponding generalized robustnesses, thus resolving conjectures about both of these families of measure.
  • As our proof was non-constructive in nature, we also provided a computational method based on linear programming that allows us to quickly compute the closest K-incoherent state or closest Schmidt number k state. (See reference)
  • (Open problem:) Formulas or bounds for Rks(p), Rkg(p), RkE's(p), RkE'g(p). Connections between RkE's(p) and Rks(p)


Yiu Tung Poon (潘耀东) is a professor of the Department of Mathematics at Iowa State University. In 1985, he obtained his doctorate from University of California, Los Angeles. His research interests include:

1) Quantum Information Science; 

2) Matrix Analysis; 

3) Operator Theory; 

4) Operator Algebras; 

5) Mathematics Education.


The 1st Student Conference on Quantum Computing (SCQC) is organized by the Center for Quantum Computing (CQC) at Peng Cheng Laboratory (PCL). It is a follow-up of the 1st Summer Workshop on QAS. SCQC aims to provide a platform for students (graduate and undergraduate) and researchers to present their research on quantum computing areas, including but not limited to quantum algorithms, quantum simulation, quantum control, quantum software, quantum information theory, quantum error correction, quantum machine learning, algorithm complexity, quantum open systems, quantum communication, quantum device, quantum sensing, and many-body entanglement.

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